Expand Mentorship

If you’re reading this I know you’re here for a BIG life.

I see you.

Things are working for you, you’ve built a certain level of success but that success is not what you thought it would ‘feel’ like. You’re a little lost and have even flirted with the idea of throwing it all in and moving to a little town on a European coastline.

How life is right now just doesn’t feel sustainable! You know that. But you’re stuck on the hamster wheel. You need to make changes, but you’re not sure how, where or when you can and whether or not those changes are going to have the impact that you desperately need them to have.

In some ways it feels easier to just keep going how you have been, but your heart keeps nudging you. It’s time. It’s time to honour yourself and create your life and business from a place of flow and alignment.

I understand.

You have a big vision and you know that to see those dreams come to life it’s going to take a new level of you. It’s going to take a fresh approach, an elevated mindset, new beliefs in yourself and in what’s possible. It’s going to take commitment, and a greater capacity to hold that dream life you desire. 

And for that, you need support.

I’m here to help.

I am here to give your vision the space to breathe. I am here to give you the accountability, support and personalised guidance that your vision not only needs but deserves. No more hoping and dreaming. No more waiting. Coaching is an all in approach and I know from one ambitious woman to another that you’re not here to play small.

During our time together, we go deep. There’s nowhere to hide. No excuses. No holds barred. And I know deep down that’s what you are craving. First we get clear on your vision and your values; the key foundation to kicking your business goals and building your dream life. Next we strip back and then rebuild; getting clear on everything that is and isn’t aligned. Through this process we are rewriting the narrative, releasing any outdated and limiting beliefs and stepping into the woman that is here to live her life from a place of abundance, authenticity and her fullest expression.

What does success mean to you?

Living a life on your own terms. Having the flexibility and freedom. The financial success and stability. The opportunity to play in your creative expression. To build something that not only you feel proud of but makes a positive impact in the lives of your loved ones, your friends, your family, your community. For too long you’ve been living life for everyone else. Creating a version of ‘success’ that isn’t actually yours. What would it feel like to be living out your very own version of success?

I’m here to walk beside you, as you come back home to yourself.

What’s Included:

  • We meet over Zoom fortnightly. These sessions are where we strategise, unpack, rebuild and sound out.

  • In between our private sessions we use Voxer to chat things through and implement change in real time. I’m there beside you for every step.

  • This gives you exclusive access to everything in my toolkit, whether it’s working through a mindset block, strategising your next offering or defining your personal brand. These signature resources are there to support you and lean back on whenever you need.


3 Month

$4500 AUD

3 Months working side by side, with fortnightly sessions scheduled at a time that works for you, ongoing accountability and support in between our sessions in our private Voxer chat and lifetime access to the exclusive resource library including all future updates.

Pay in full or choose the monthly payment option, it’s completely up to you. All prices include GST.

6 Month

$8250 AUD

6 Months working side by side, with fortnightly sessions scheduled at a time that works for you, ongoing accountability and support in between our sessions in our private Voxer chat and lifetime access to the exclusive resource library including all future updates.

Pay in full or choose the monthly payment option, it’s completely up to you. All prices include GST.


Book your discovery call below


What is your coaching style or approach?

I have once been called the ‘Velvet Sledgehammer’, and while it’s my intention and honour to provide you with a safe and loving space I am also here to see your growth and at times where necessary am more than happy to call you out on your BS and limiting beliefs or give you a loving nudge to get you back to where you are desiring to be. Before we start, I ask you how you are wanting to be coached and keep this at the forefront of our time together.

Can I pay in instalments?

Yes! It’s completely up to you - we have both a pay in full option or pay monthly where after your initial payment the following payments will be automatically debited on a set date of each month.

What will I gain from 1:1 coaching?

1:1 coaching is an investment in both your personal and professional development. It provides a dedicated, safe and encouraging space for growth, self-discovery, and the gaining of your very own toolkit that will support you in a more fulfilling and successful life and business. Just like any other experience, you will get out of it what you put in.

What type of clients do you work with?

My offerings have been intentionally designed to support women in creative service based business. Through my own 13+ years in business, and my passion for seeing women thriving and building prosperous sustainable businesses my key focus is to support women in upleveling their mindset, getting clear and focussed on their vision and core values and having the support to strategically execute on their goals through aligned action.

Can we still work together if I’m not in Australia?

Yes, I have clients from all over the world. Through our online Zoom sessions we’re able to connect wherever you might find yourself, whether that’s travelling or residing in any part of the world.

Do you offer group mentoring or only one-on-one sessions?

Currently my main offering is 1:1, but in January we will be kicking off our next intimate group mentorship program. Each opportunity has its own benefits and is really up to the individual to tune in and consider what feels like the best approach for them and what they’re wanting for this season of life and business.

Client Love.

  • Cassie Crotty

    “Emily has been an irreplaceable part of both my life and business. She has helped me expand my capacity from a bunnings bucket to an olympic sized swimming pool. I now have the capacity to take on and hold so much more and not feel stressed. She has shown me I can be a mother, partner and a successful business owner, follow my spiritual path and still be in flow. Emily is worth her weight in gold. She is a shining ligth that all women need in their life.”

  • Courtney W

    “Signing up with Em felt really scary, but I am so glad I took the leap! Her constant reminders on how I could show up both energetically and for myself were always well received and came at the perfect time. She told me what I needed to hear, even when it was calling me on my BS, it never felt harsh, just straight up and made sense. She gave the push I was needing to get out of my own way. She showed me that what I wanted to do was possible, and invited me to that next level. So much change, so many insights. Things that not only have changed my life but things that I will continue to share with others to help them as well!”

  • Olivia Hillier

    “Em didn’t help me just ‘change my life’, she brought me back home, home to the life that I was born to live. I was guided to Em after a trauma that left me feeling lost and anxious. I knew that there was a lot that I wanted to change in how I was showing up in my life. With a little resistance (I cancelled on our first call) Em helped me strip away layers that I was hiding beneath, layers that I didn’t even know were there. Before Em, I considered myself a bit of a self-development junkie - I thought I knew myself. But Em switched the light onto the darkest places we avoid and I’ve never faced my blocks with so much fun and love.”

  • Lindell Stewart

    “1:1 Coaching with Emily, I can honestly say it’s been an incredible journey! Em has a beautiful way of asking questions that you leave you digging deeper and invite you to get curious. Em has been the perfect support to break away old stories and triggers. She’s helped me feel empowered and allowed a safe space to have some tough and vulnerable conversations around my personal groeth. That’s exactly what i wanted in a coach. A supportive and loving space, as well as the tough love needed to push me out of my comfort zone. Working with Emily has exceeded my expectations and I’m so grateful I followed my intuition and chose her to walk beside me through this journey.”

  • Case Warwick

    “Working with Em helped me gain clarity in the restructure of my business easily and effectively! I had been sitting on an idea for almost a year and my business was incredibly stagnant at the time. One session with her and we broguht it back to life! She helped me refine it by asking powerful questions and allowing my zone of genius to come through. Em is brilliant and the way she allows your creativity to comealive is honestly magic! If you’re sitting on the fence - do it.”

  • Kaitlyn B

    “Over the 3 months that Em and I worked together I began to see myself in a whole new light! I found myself to be funny, talented and creative plus 97 more things (hahaha) that I could never see before. Em helped me navigate my own soul search and I started to see the changes. I did the ‘work’ and the shift within was incredible. She challenged me to challenge myself but not in the way that I had expected and for that I am so grateful. I’m much more present in my life, my business and with loved ones. Working with Em was such a highlight of my year and I’m so sad it’s come to an end, but really it’s just the beginning.”